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My Digital Footprint

John Seely Brown

The web has just begun to have an impact on our lives. As fascinated as we are with it today, we’re still seeing it in its early forms… My belief is that not only will the web be as fundamental to society as electrification but that it will be subject to many of the same diffusion and absorption dynamics as that earlier medium.

Library Roles & Management

Information on this topic varies depending on whom you ask.  My opinion firmly reflects one that is moving the Library as physical building into Library as learning space in whatever form that may be - physical, virtual but overwhelmingly PERSONAL.

Annual Review Meeting - Education Support Employees (ES1-5)

Annual Review Meeting Guidelines - Prepared by the Catholic Education Council of Victoria, this document provides an outline of roles and responsibilites at each level of Education Support Employees including library staff who are represented as Typical Duties - Curriculum Resource Services - General and Curriculum Resource Services - Library/AV Services. Meeting discussion proforma is also useful.

Annual Review Preparation - Education Support Employees
This questionnaire may also be used to guide reflection, discussion and goal setting for Annual Review Meeting or used as the ARM template. 

Know your salary schedule
Dept of Education and Early Childhood Development Salary rates  Relates to government school employees
Victorian Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2013 

Victoria Catholic School Classification, Level Descriptors & Salaries can be found on the IEU Victorian & Tasmanian website. Catholic and Independent school employees are eligible for membership of the Independent Education Union.

Education Support Employees Handbook
Handbook for Education Support Employees in Catholic Education. This handbook provides Education Support Staff with all the information they need to know about pay structure, employment rights and information on who to contact for more assistance. NB: this relates to Catholic School employees only 

Australian School Library Assoc - Policies, standards & statements
Policy menu on this site includes policies, standards and statements relating to the operation of a school library in Australia and standards regarding the role of the teacher librarian. Also included are a range of documents specific to school libraries. 

SLASA Teacher Librarian Role Statement
This role statement is displayed in a clear, concise table making it very easy to see the various categories relating to the role of teacher librarian clearly reflecting their dual role as both teachers and information specialists.

Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT)
Registered teacher database.

Manifesto for 21st Century School Librarians
What does a school librarian do? This manifesto has been prepared for school librarians worldwide by Dr Joyce Valenza.  It provides a set of guidelines suited to the dynamic landscape in which we work today.

Chapter 1: School Library Impact Studies 101: An Overview of the Research from LRS on Vimeo.

Inquiry into school libraries and teacher librarians in Australia - submissions
Links to the 382 submissions to Standing Committee on Education and Training, April 2010.  Inquiry stalled due to 2010 federal election.